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Javascript Data Types/Lists • 2 min read

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This object represents me and the information that goes with such. With this object, I perform a lot of different to show you the power of Data Types!

// Me Object
let me = {
    name: "Xavier",
    age: 14,
    birthYear: 2009,
    classes: ["ENS", "Math", "Spanish", "CSSE", "Science"],
    interests: ["Cybersecurity", "Coding", "Sports", "Science"],
    group: ["Justin", "Daniel", "Timur"],
    schools: ["MRES", "OVMS", "DNHS"]
//Prints Object

// Adds Psychology to Interests Array

//Concanetating Classes
console.log(me.classes[1] + " and" + " " + me.classes[3] + " are my favorite classes!");

//Concanetating Schools
console.log("First I went to " + me.schools[0] + ". Then I went to " + me.schools[1] + ". And now I'm in " + me.schools[2])

// Usage of Mathematical Operations //

// Add age + birth year to get current year
currentYear = me.age + me.birthYear

// Print current year

// Prints what type of value specified variable is
console.log(typeof // Prints String
console.log(typeof me.age) //Prints Number
console.log(typeof me.classes) //Prints Object