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All In One Notebook Hacks!

I was too lazy to make 3 notebooks so I decided to make just one notebook that covered the three hacks


I wanted to keep my index page simple so I planned to add the bare minimum to it until I ahd the time and energy to improve it to the extent that was expected. I had decided that adding the image and the submenu in was more than enough

End Result

I got what I wanted with the bare minimum of one picture of some programming language I pulled from another paeg and also a submenu that has no style and looks very simple and off-center for now.

Javascript Cell

There’s a preload error with the font that I don’t want to fix so go to this page to see it working in console.

%%js bash
let person = {
    name: "Justin",
    gender: "Male",
    programmingExperience: "1 Year",
    age: 17,
    currentClasses: ["APStatistics", "APCalculusBC", "Civics", "Digital Media Production", "APComputer Science Principles",],
    interests: ["Programming", "Piano", "Guitar", "Board Games", "Video Games",],


console.log(typeof(person) + "\n" + typeof(person.age) + "\n" + typeof(
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>