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Chinese WOD10 Review • 7 min read


Review for week 10 of Chinese 7, will only feature vocabulary and grammar pertaining to the Week 10 WOD Quiz


PinYin Meaning
美食评论家 MěiShíPíngLùnJiā Food Critic
准确地 ZhǔnQùeDe Accurately
传达 ChúanDá Convey
某道菜 MǒuDàoCài A Certain Dish
味道 WèiDào Smell; Taste
口感 KǒuGǎn Texture (of foods); Taste
气味 QìWèi Smell (of foods); Odor
外观 WàiGūan Appearance; Exterior
不仅 BùJǐn Not only
还要 HáiYào More (REVIEW NEEDED)
气氛 QìFēn Atmosphere
员工 YuánGōng Staff
服务水平 FúWùShǔiPíng Service Level
是否 ShìFǒu Whether
周到 ZhōuDào Thoughful; Considerate
迅速 XùnSù Fast; Rapid
以及 YīJí As well as; And
整体 ZhěngTǐ Overall
印象 YìnXìang Impression
各人 GèRén Everyone
各国 GèGúo Every country; Various countries
各地 GèDì Everywhere
各校 GèXìao Everyschool
各班 GèBān Every class
名单 MíngDān List
清单 QingDan To-Do List
吃香 ChīXīang Popular
香港 XīangGǎng Hong Kong
香水 XīangShuǐ Perfume
吃香喝辣 ChiXiangHeLa Wish you a good life (Say to someone to wish a good life)
黄油 HuángYóu Butter
奶油 NǎiYóu Cream
餐具 CānJù Tableware
餐桌 CānZhūo Dining Table
餐馆 CānGǔan Restaurant
餐厅 CānTīng Dining Room
进餐 JinCan Start dining
毛巾 MáoJīn Towel
手巾 ShǒuJīn Handkerchief
浴巾 YùJīn Bath Towel


Phrase 一。。。就 (pg. 97 在课本)
Meaning As soon as; Whenever; Once
How to use? [Subject] 一 [Action A] 就 [Action B]
As soon as [Subject] does [Action A], they do [Action B]
Whenever [Action A], [Subject] does [Action B]
[Subject] will [Action B] when/once [Action A]
Phrase 多。。。少。。。别。。。
Meaning More...Less...No...
How to use? 多放 [Flavor] 少放 [Flavor] 别放 [Flavor]
Put more [Flavor], put less [Flavor], put no [Flavor]
Meaning ...tastes like...
How to use? [Food or Drink] has the taste of [Taste]
[Food or Drink] tastes [Taste]
Phrase 恐怕...
Meaning I'm afraid [Action]
How to use? 恐怕 [Action]
I'm afraid I won't be able to do [Action]
Meaning Emphasize a adjective; Explains an adjective
How to use? [Adjective] 是 [How Adjective is True]
This is very [Adjective], it is [How Adjective is True]
Phrase ...不如...
Meaning Same as 没有 in comparative sentences, but unlike 没有 does not need to be followed by adjective
How to use? [A] 不如 [B] [Adjective]
[A] is not as [Adjective] as [B];
[A]'s ... is not as good as [B]'s
Phrase ...正好...
Meaning Coincidentally; Coincidence; Just right
How to use? [Something A] 正好 [Something B]
I coincidentally happen to have free time today (我今天正好有时间)
You came at the right time (你来得正好)
Phrase 特别(是)
Meaning Especially
How to use? [Something A], 特别是 [Something B]
[Something A] is really good, especially [Something B]
She likes to go shopping, especially for food (她喜欢买东西,特别是饭)
Phrase 麻烦
Meaning (May I) trouble (You); Troublesome
How to use? 麻烦 [Request]; [Something] 很麻烦
May I trouble you to [Request]
[Something] is troublesome/a lot of trouble
Phrase 这(就)要看。。。
Meaning It depends on
How to use? [Question] 这就要看 [Something]
[Question]?It depends on [Something B]
Is the food good? It depends on your tastes (什么菜好吃?这就要看你的口味)