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Chinese WOD9 Review • 3 min read


Review for week 9 of Chinese 7, will only feature vocabulary and grammar pertaining to the Week 9 WOD Quiz


PinYin Meaning
家的味道 JiaDeWeiDao Taste of Home (Food's taste reminds one of home)
这里的食物有妈妈的味道 ZheLiDeShiWuYouMaMaDeWeiDao The food here reminds me of my mom's cooking
这个建筑有中国的味道 ZheGeJianDuYouZhongGuoDeWeiDao This building has Chinese tastes (Elements/Origin/Architecture)
You Oily
Tian Sweet
Suan Sour
La Spicy
Xian Salty
清淡 QingDan Light (Food)
赤裸裸的天空 ChiLuoLuoDeTianKong Naked Sky (Clear)
寂寥 JiLao Loneliness
思念苦无药 SiNianKuWuYao There is no medicine for missing you
无处可逃 WuChuKeTao Nowhere to escape
想念 XiangNian Miss smth or someone (Emotional Sense)
袜子 WaZi Sock
淡淡 DanDan Light (Weight or scale)
记忆 JiYi Memory
心事 XinShi Worrying
寂寞 JiMo Lonely; Lonesome
朝著心头绕 ChaoZhuXinTouRao Heading towards the heart
清水 QingShui Clear water
清汤 QingTang Clear Soup
淡水 DanShui Freshwater
清蒸鱼 QingZhengYu Steamed Fish
红烧鱼 HongShaoYu Braised fish
蒸饺 ZhengJiao Steamed Dumplings
蒸包子 ZhengBaoZi Steamed Buns
甜点 TianDan Dessert
甜食 TianShi Sweets
甜品 TianPin Desserts
甜菜 TianCai Beets
牛肉不嫩 = 牛肉很老 NiuRouBuNen = NiuRouHenLao The beef is not tender = The beef is old
嫩豆腐 NenDouFu Tender Tofu
嫩绿 NenLu Tender Greens
芳香四溢 FangXiangSiYi Fragrant
油而不腻 YouErBuNi Oily but not greasy
香脆可口 XiangCuiKeKou Crispy and Delicious
咸甜适中 XianTianShiZhong Moderately Sweet and Salty
五味俱全 WuWeiZhuQuan All kinds of flavors
鲜美多汁 XianMeiDuoZhi Delicious and juicy
清爽可口 QingShuangKeKou Refreshing and delicious
质嫩爽口 ZhiNenShuangKou Tender and refreshing
麻辣鲜香 MaLaXianXiang Spicy and delicious
香甜软耨 XiangTianRuanNuo Sweet and soft