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Chinese WOD5 Review • 2 min read


Review for week 5 of Chinese 7, will only feature vocabulary and grammar pertaining to the Week 5 WOD Quiz

PinYin Meaning
洗手 xǐshǒu Wash hands
洗碗 xǐwǎn Wash dishes
洗衣服 xǐyīfú Wash clothes
干洗 gānxǐ Dry cleaning
jiù Old (Used when describing object); Used
旧车 jiùchē Old car
旧衣服 jiùyīfú Old clothes
旧东西 jiùdōngxī Old stuff
旧书 jiùshū Old books
马路 mǎlù Road
大马路 dàmǎlù Big road; Main road
压马路 yāmǎlù Go on a stroll; walk around; window shop
地道/道地 dìdào/dàodì Authentic; Real
安静 ǎnjìng Quiet; Peaceful; Calm
chǎo Quarrel; Loud
不怎么样 bùzěnmeỳang Not so good
zhēn Real
真的 zhēnde Really(!?)
tái Platform; Measure word for machines
得很 déhěn Very (To greater extent than just 很)
kǒng Fear
恐怕 kǒngpà I'm afraid (i.e. "I'm afraid I can't go")
恐龙 kǒnglóng Dinosaur
恐怖 kǒngbù Horror (Genre)
恐怖电影 kǒngbùdiànyǐng Horror Movie
恐惧 kǒngjù Fear
Afriad; Scared of
怕事 pàshì Afraid of trouble (DOUBLE CHECK)
怕吵 pàchǎo Afraid of noise (DOUBLE CHECK)
可怕 kěpà Horrible; Frightening
“天不怕,地不怕,就怕…” "tiānbúpà,dìbúpà,jiùpà..." "Not afraid of the heavens or Earth, I only fear..."
当然想 dāngránxiǎng Of course I want to (DOUBLE CHECK)