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Week 3 Plan - 第三周打算 • 5 min read


Plan for Week 3

Review for Week 3 of CompSci

Review of Week 3


Arrival into class where Mr. Mortensen calls everyone to the front of the class and begins explaining how to create tables in Markdown and HTML, and then explains how to use JavaScript in the tables. Since we are required to have a table with JavaScript, (According to Xavier) I decide to make a Chinese index since I can add to it with vocab I learn in Chinese and can experiment with the table.


Moved to another class so Mr. Mortensen can teach the APCompSci classes. Messed around with Snake settings while talking to Xavier about Snake settings. Later, Mr. Mortensen came back into the room and explained what he expected of the class again, and how important planning is.


Decide to dedicate the day to Snake game. Then Mr. Mortensen came in and announced he was going to present a difficult concept with JavaScript, nevermind on the Snake thing I guess… I proceed to learn about JSON outputs, of which there are 4. (Console, append, alert, and variable) I also learned about an issue with my programming, being able to run the command “jupyter notebook” which allows me to see the outputs of the JSON easily in console, this will hopefully be fixed soon, but it is unknown how to fix it.


Did the live review, decided to work on the Snake game afterwards and added a impossible mode and changed colors. Not much else was done due to the time it took to figure out hot to program Snake.

Plans for Week 3 of CompSci

Plan For Week 3
· Setup the table and continually add to the Chinese index if I want to
· Finish setting up the Week 1 Journal
· Change some settings in the Snake game to make it more unique
· Remove the to-do list on the home page
· Complete the home page by applying personal information and FreeForm to it
· Figure out how to change the color of the buttons at top of screen