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Week 2 Plan - 第二周打算 • 13 min read


Plans for Week 2

Review for Week 2 of CompSci

Full Week

Mostly distracted but in goofing off learned more about HTML programming such as audio files, tables, videos, hyperlinks, and buttons. Began understanding class better and now beginning to catch as I was behind before. Will work over weekend and have more setup by the end.
Added Snake to the website and learned to modify it using ChatGPT. Created a ChatGPT account to help review code. Uploaded website allowing anyone to access it and reformatted it, along with deleting non-original content. Also began creating posts for each week.


Overview: Distracted, did not complete any of the plans, instead tried understanding the table HTML
Explanation: I got into class and looked at the sample plan, I did not understand at first and instead decided to try and work on the home page by adding a table. Class ended with the table being added


Overview: Distracted, did not complete any of the plans, instead tried adding a video to autoplay a song on the home page using HTML
Explanation: I went into class and wanted to add a song I heard in Chinese to my webpage and make it autoplay. After finicking around discovered that audio cannot be autoplayed on most browsers.


Overviwe: Slightly Distracted, posted website online and began the Week 0 Review, managed to get video online and a half the Review done
Explanation: Got into class and reviewed sample plan, after communicating with tablemates decided to work on a review of everything done in Week 0. After a while asked Xavier to help with getting the website online as I did not understand. He explains and the website is put online.


Overview: Focused, worked on week 0 review and cleaning up files and reformatting website to match the sample, also added interactive object in form of Snake.
Explanation: After communicating with team about website formatting and a short explanation began reformatting website to be cleaner, such as removing CSP and CSA. Also changed csse to CompSci and renamed many files to be more organized. Also added Snake to website under Mr. Mortensen’s tutelage


Overview: Focused, completed a “Live Review,” realized ChatGPT is great for checking code, modified Snake
Explanation: Used ChatGPT to check code and understand how Snake worked and how to edit it. After live review I was recommended to complete the Week 2 Plan before the Week 0 and 1 Plan as it is currently Week 2. Started creating Week 2 plan and a “Base” file to easily copy and create new posts.

Plans for Week 2 of CompSci

Short Summary of Plans
My Plan Sample Plan
· Setup journals/reviews for weeks 0, 1, & 2. Use Teacher Example as a guide
· Get my website online. Appears as an option after syncing on GitHub. Key references for GitHub: Key References
· Add how to do each "hack" to the Lab Notebook list and remove the original content that is not mine
· Add a interactable project such as a calculator
· Set up the home page to include the freeform about me, and make it more like a home page
· Make Lab Notebook rows/columns for each week 0, 1, 2. Make a hack (IPYNB) and review/exit ticket for each row. Review student page as guide: Teacher Example
· Get my public site running. This will work after GitHub sync. Here are some key references for GitHub: Key References
· Work on revising my IPYNB file(s) and add in my required Hacks. Learn how to do “Code Fencing”, “Code Cells”. Revise Linux Shell IPYNB, prune and perform hacks to match my understanding.
· Revise Home Page to only be a Lab Notebook Cover sheet, Remove some of the content that I mistakingly put on this page regarding weekly plans and hacks .... move this information into my Lab Notebook rows/columns.
· Work on adding a Project, my choice will be a Calculator and I will add it as an independent _post that will be in Week1 hacks of my Notebook.

In-Depth Explanation of Each Part

Setting Up Journals / Reviews

I’ll create this plan in order to organize the thoughts for the week. Then I’ll create reviews for weeks 0 & 1, including all information of what we did the week, and edit this page to include what we actually did at the top.

Getting Website Online

I’ll follow the instructions provided to upload my website to the internet.

Adding How to Do Each “Hack”

I’ll create a page for each “hack” we did and then explain how it was done, some may be condensed into one page.

Adding a Project / Interactable Object

I’ll follow the explanation by Mr. Mortensen to add his calculator to the website.

Setting Up Home Page

I’ll first upload my freeform “About Me” to the images folder in Visual Studio Code, format the page to look more like a home page, and add “About Me” FreeForm + information about myself