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Week 0 Review - 第零周审查 • 3 min read


What I did during the first week of CompSci, and how I did it.

Summary of the Week 0

Mr. Mortensen summarizes what we’ll be doing in his class, how he’ll be teaching the class, where to go in order to learn how to do stuff, and we read how to set up our computers and Visual Studio Code in order to begin coding


Class is explained by Mr. Mortensen, explaining how this’ll be a helpful class to take and similar items. He then references the syllabus and items we’ll be downloading, such as VSCode, Homebrew (For Macs), or WSL (For Windows).


Class was told to start reading the three pages that would explain how to install the tools everyone will need for this class. (i.e. VSCode, Docker, WSL, [Windows Only] Homebrew, [Mac] etc.) Everyone was also told to partner with someone and work with them to improve their own code.
- I began downloading VSCode, Docker, Slack, and Homebrew. I also partnered with my first partner, Leo, and became acquainted with Daniel and Xavier, who’ll both soon help me with coding.


Mr. Mortensen explained how to install everything and how to set everything up, sadly at the itme I had missed one of the documents you were required to read to understand everything and therefore fell behind the rest of the class and could not install the necessarry items to start programming.